convert data
These methods change the models used to represent geographic data and include:
- vector to raster
- raster to vector
vector to raster
These methods typically convert feature collections to images.
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any FC to boolean raster
This method converts a feature collection into a boolean raster.
var image_boolean = geo.fcConvert.toBooleanImage(fc);
nominal FC to integer raster
This method converts a feature collection with text attributes to a single-band image. It essentially creates a list of unique text attributes from a table column (defined by “column_name”) and matches each unique text attribute to a unique integer. The result is an image with integer pixel values. The method also prints a dictionary to the Console that reports the integer code for each unique attribute.
var image_nominal = geo.fcConvert.toNominalImage(fc, "column_name");
numeric FC to numeric raster
This method uses numeric attribute data in a feature collection to create a raster.
var image_numeric = geo.fcConvert.toNumericImage(fc, "column_name", "reducer");
The method takes three arguments that are defined in the table below.
fc | The feature collection to convert. |
“column_name” | The name of the column with the numeric data to populate the pixel values of the output raster. |
“reducer” | How you would like to combine the values of each intersecting feature into a final result to store in the pixel? This must be a string and one of the following: “mean”, “first”, “max”, “min”. |
raster to vector
These methods typically convert images to feature collections.
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make objects with vectors
This method identifies objects from rasters based on two conditions:
(1) Pixels share the same value.
(2) Pixels form contiguous regions that can be represented with a polygon.
It returns a feature collection of distinct regions and includes the area as an attribute of each feature.
var objects_with_vectors = geo.iConvert.makeObjectsWithVectors(image, "property", scale, extent, "unit");
image | Input image with a band that represent boolean or nominal (class) raster to clump. |
“property” | A description (as a string) of the boolean or class data used to clump. Flr example, “class”. |
scale | Scale of analysis to help troubleshoot TIME OUT errors. Often good practice to start relatively coarse and then aim to match resolution of image in later runs. |
extent | The area of interest or study region to constrain analysis. |
“unit” | Choose between “acres”, “sq_m”, and “sq_km” |
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