Earth Engine provides a number of different Sentinel products as cloud assets.
Sentinel-2 MSI
The starter below will help you quickly find and process Level 1-C Harmonized Surface Reflectance data from the Sentinel 2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI).
To thoughtfully use the starter script below, you should be able to answer these questions:
- what is surface reflectance and how does this differ from other Sentinel products available through Earth Engine catalog?
- why is harmonized data helpful for time series analysis?
- what is the mission duration (start and end of image collection)?
- what is the recurrence time of each scene (how may days between images)?
- how does the satellite orbit affect the time difference between neighboring scenes?
- what time of day is the scene captured as an image?
- what portion of the EM spectrum does each band measure?
- what is the spatial resolution of each band?
You can glean much of this info from these resources:
spectral bands
The chart below shows how the MSI sensor on Sentinel compares to the sensors onboard the Landsat missions.
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Title: starter_S2.js
// Author: Jeff Howarth
// Last edited: 11/12/2023
// Starter for harmonized Sentinel 2 collection.
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
var geo = require("users/jhowarth/eePatterns:modules/geo.js");
print("geo methods dictionary",; // Prints dictionary of all tools in module.
print("geo palettes", geo.iPalettes); // Prints dictionary of all palettes in module.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define your point or area of interest with geometry tools.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
var geometry =
ee.Geometry.Point([37.34715255366928, -3.0521293499524087]);
Map.centerObject(geometry, 9);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filter and flatten image collection.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
var output = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED")
// .filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2020, 2020, 'year'))
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(1, 3, 'month'))
// .filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(1, 30, 'day'))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display layer on Map.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print list of band names for S2.
// Define viz parameters.
var viz = {
bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
min: [0, 0, 0],
max: [0.2, 0.15, 0.1]
// Add layer to Map.
Map.addLayer(output, viz, 'From Sentinel 2 Collection');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Chart histogram for a selected Image band.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select a band in viz dictionary to chart.
var select_band =[0]);
// Get AOI from map extent.
var aoi = geo.uiMap.getAOIfromMapExtent();
// Get scale from map extent.
var scale = Map.getScale();
// Make and print histogram.
var histogram = geo.iCart.iHistogram(
print("Histogram of selected band", histogram);
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